
Language is something we do, so to learn a language, you must use that language.
氏名?職位 | ロンコープ,ピーター D.(Peter D. Longcope) 教授 |
文学部開講科目 | Listening 1 Listening 2 英語総合演習1 英語総合演習2 英語圏事情1 英語圏事情2 ゼミナール1?2?3?4 卒業研究 |
大学院開講科目 | 応用言語学特講 応用言語学特講演習 |
略歴 | ペンシルバニア大学博士課程教育言語学修了 博士 [ペンシルバニア大学] |
専門分野 | 外国語教育(第二言語習得理論 (1D)) |
研究キーワード | 第二言語習得第二言語教育教育言語学 |
所属学会 | 社団法人大学英語教育学会 多言語多文化研究 (全国語学教育学会の SIG の雑誌) Computer Assisted Language Learning (Routledge の雑誌) |
- 単行本(単著)
- 単行本(共著?編著?論文集?事典?翻訳など)
- 一歩先の英文ライティング--研究社-- 2015年08月
Language Policy in Japan: The Challenge of Change--多言語多文化研究18/1-- 2012年11月
Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics--多言語多文化研究14(1)-- 2008年12月
Teaching Science to Language Minority Student: Theory and Practice--Language and Education12(3)-- 1998年03月
- 論文(雑誌、紀要、研究成果報告書など)
- Missing the mark Looking at recent language acquisition policy decisions in Japan through the lens of SLA research--専修人文論集97/-- 2015年10月
Language attitudes and language contact in an FL setting--専修大学外国教育論集43/-- 2015年03月
Collaborative learning as the foundation for using blogs with second language classes--専修大学外国教育論集40/-- 2012年03月
Using blogs with L2 listening classes in order to provide language learningg opportunities--専修人文論集89-- 2011年10月
A multivariate analysis of interlanguage differences between learner levels--名古屋大学国際言語文化研究科 「言語文化論集」31/1-- 2009年10月
Differences between the ESL and EFL language learning contexts--名古屋大学国際言語文化研究科 「言語文化論集」-- 2009年03月
What is the impact of study abroad on L2learning A descriptive study of context, conditions, and outcomes--ペンシルバニア大学-- 2003年03月
- その他(学会発表?講演?座談会?インタビュー?書評?エッセイなど)
- Missing the mark Japanese language acquisition policy and second language acquisition research--JSAA2015, Japan Studies Association of Australia Conference2015年07月
Using blogs to facilitate production in large, mixed-level CLIL classes--11th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching2015年03月
Amount of contact by first year university students in an EFL context--10th Asia TEFL International Conference2012年10月
Changing the game: Encouraging meaningful out-of-class foreign language use with Web 2.0 technologies--9th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Educationa2011年01月
How much change after one semester of instruction--35th Annual JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning2009年10月

The theme of Longcope Seminar is educational linguistics. In educational linguistics, we study different issues related to language, education, and society. These issues include topics related to teaching languages as well as topics such as language and power, language and gender, and language and identity. We try to discuss these issues both in an academic way as well as how these issues are related to our daily lives. Finally, all work in the seminar is done in English.
ロンコープゼミのテーマは“educational linguistics (教育言語学)”です。我々はこのテーマを基に、言語や教育、そしてさらには社会に関する様々な問題についても考察していきます。これらの問題の中には、例えば言語とパワー、言語とジェンダー、言語とアイデンティティーのようなトピックもあれば、言語指導に関するトピックもあります。我々は以上のような問題に関して、我々の日常生活とのつながり方と学術的な観点の両方の視点から議論をしていきます。また、本ゼミナールではすべての活動が英語で行われます。
My name is Peter Longcope and I am originally from the northeastern area of the United States, from a small town near Boston, Massachusetts. I have been living in Japan since 1999 and have been teaching at Senshu University since April 2010.
I studied educational linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education. My doctoral dissertation focused on the impact of study abroad on second language acquisition. My research interests continue to be second language acquisition and second language pedagogy.
My seminar is designed as a content-and-language-integrated-learning class with a content focus on educational linguistics. During the two years, we work on participating in academic discussions, giving academic presentations, and writing a research paper. Examples of issues in educational linguistics that are covered include bilingualism, language and gender, language and identity, second language acquisition, and second language education.
I studied educational linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education. My doctoral dissertation focused on the impact of study abroad on second language acquisition. My research interests continue to be second language acquisition and second language pedagogy.
My seminar is designed as a content-and-language-integrated-learning class with a content focus on educational linguistics. During the two years, we work on participating in academic discussions, giving academic presentations, and writing a research paper. Examples of issues in educational linguistics that are covered include bilingualism, language and gender, language and identity, second language acquisition, and second language education.