教授?中垣 恒太郎

中垣 恒太郎
氏名?職位 | 中垣 恒太郎(Nakagaki Kotaro)?教授 |
文学部開講科目 | Composition 1 Composition 2 英米文学文化特殊講義5 英米文学文化特殊講義6 ゼミナール1?2?3?4 |
大学院開講科目 | 米文学特講III演習 米文学特講III |
略歴 | 慶應義塾大学大学院文学研究科修士課程修了(文学修士) |
専門分野 | アメリカ文学?比較メディア文化研究 |
研究キーワード | 思春期文化論?ドキュメンタリー表現を軸とした比較メディア文化研究 |
所属学会 | 日本アメリカ文学会、日本比較文学会、日本映像学会、日本映画学会、日本マンガ学会、カルチュラル?スタディーズ学会、Popular Culture Association、Modern Language Association、Mark Twain Circle of Americaほか。 |
- 単行本(単著)
- 『マーク?トウェインと近代国家アメリカ』(音羽書房鶴見書店、2012)
- 単行本(共著?編著?論文集?事典?翻訳など)
- 【共編著】『マーク?トウェイン文学/文化事典』亀井俊介監修(彩流社、2010)。
【翻訳書】『ポケットマスターピース マーク?トウェイン』柴田元幸編(集英社文庫、2016、翻訳「阿呆たれウィルソン」と編集補佐を担当)。
- 論文(雑誌?紀要?研究成果報告書など)
- “Searching for the Idealized Girl: Mark Twain and the Lost America.” Journal of Mark Twain Studies. Vol.1 (2004): 59-72.
“Expanding Female Manga Market: Shungiku Uchida and the Emergence of the Autobiographical Essay.” International Journal of Comic Art. Vol. 14-2 (2012): 236-50.
“The Atomic Holocaust from the Perspective of Shōjo: From Sanpei Shirato’s A Vanishing Girl to Fumiyo Kōno’s In a Corner of This World.” Cultural Excavation and Formal Expression in the Graphic Novel. Eds. Jonathan C. Evans and Thomas Giddens. Inter-Disciplinary Press (2013): 117-25.
- その他(学会発表?講演?座談会?インタビュー?書評?エッセイなど)
- “Sexual Issues of Aging Women: Shungiku Uchida and Challenges in Women’s Manga.” Manga and the Manga-esque: New Perspectives to a Global Culture: 15th Annual International Conference on Japanese Studies and the 6th Women’s Manga Conference. Jan. 2015. Ateneo de Manila University, Philippine.
“Reframing Tramp/Hobo Images in Mark Twain’s Narratives.” Mark Twain‘s Hannibal: The Clemens Conference. Jul. 2015. Mark Twain Boyhood Museum, MO, US.
“Adolescence in Japanese Teen Film Movement: Cultural Tendencies of the 1980s and Comparative Approach toward Teen Film Genre.” 46th Annual PCA/ACA Conference in Seattle “Adolescence Film and Television.” Mar. 2016. Seattle Marriot, WA, US
“Get Your Kicks on Route 66”: Cultural Legacy of Steinbeck’s Hobo Images in American Popular Culture.” Steinbeck as an International Writer: International John Steinbeck Conference. May. 2016. California State University, San Jose, CA, US.
“Shōjo Genso and Role Models for Post-War Japanese Girls and Beyond: The Cultural Reception of Anne of Green Gables in Japan.” L. M. Montgomery and Gender. Jun. 2016. University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
「パンデミック SF 映画における『感染』の?化?政治学」、日本映画学会第12回大会シンポジウム「<汚>の映画史」2016年11月、於?大阪大学。
“The Power of Empathy in Japanese Medical Manga Narratives.” 8th Comics and Medicine Conference. Jun. 2017. Seattle Public Library, WA, US.
“Future Memories, Lost Sceneries: Locality and Gender in Japanese Anime since 311.” Knowledge/Culture/Ecologies Conference. Nov. 2017. Nicanor Parra Library, Santiago, Chili.
“Land of Hope and Dreams: Teaching American Literature and Culture in Japan via Springsteen’s America.” Bruce Springsteen’s Darkness on the Edge of Town: International Conference. Apr. 2018. Monmouth University, NJ, US.
アメリカ思春期文化論研究ゼミ「アメリカ思春期文化論研究」として、主にアメリカ文化における思春期の表象を様々な角度から研究?検討していきます。「思春期文化論」は耳慣れない概念かもしれませんが、アメリカ文学を代表する古典、マーク?トウェイン『ハックルベリー?フィンの冒険』(1885)、青春文学の金字塔、J?D?サリンジャー『ライ麦畑でつかまえて』(1951) をはじめ、アメリカ文学文化には「思春期」?「青春」?「成長」をモチーフにした物語の系譜が継承されています。ハック?フィン、ホールデンら男の子の視点による一人称の語りがこの分野の発展に大きな影響を及ぼしてきましたが、では女の子たちの物語はどのように発展を遂げてきたのでしょうか? 人種や地域の多様性は? 中?高生に相当する学年それぞれにも大きな違いがあるのでは? 時代の変化はどのように影響しているのか?……。「アメリカ思春期文化論」は様々に展開しうる研究領域です。アメリカ文化を研究対象としますが日本の大衆文化についても随時、比較参照します。
マーク?トウェインを中心にしたアメリカ文学研究から出発し、アメリカの大衆文化にその射程を拡げ、研究活動を展開しています。アメリカ合衆国は理念による実験国家として成立した独自の歴史的背景があることからも、アメリカの文学や文化は常に「アメリカ」とは何かを問い続けてきました。そして21世紀の今現在、「アメリカ」の概念もさらに複雑で多様になってきています。文学?映画?音楽?コミックス?アニメーションなどを貫く様々なアメリカの物語(ナラティヴ)や精神文化が「アメリカ」をどのように捉え、どのように未来を展望しているのかを探求しています。 また、文学研究の方法論の応用可能性に強い関心を抱いています。文学研究の基本は「精読」であり、対象となるテキストを精読し、批評的に分析することによって、時代や文化の様々な問題を検討することができます。とりわけ文学は、私たちが「あたりまえ」とみなしてふだん疑いを持たないでいることを、「どこかの誰か」の物語を通して問い直してくれます。まったく接点がないかのような「どこかの誰か」の物語に私たちは共感することもできますし、人生の多様性についてなど多くのことを学ぶことができます。
My academic career began with the study of American literature through the works of Mark Twain. I am now expanding my field to include comparative popular cultural studies. The United States has a unique historical background as an experimental nation. This also consists of the country’s ideal vision regarding the integration of concepts such as liberty, equality, and democracy. American literature and culture have historically been used to seek an understanding of the American identity. With the advent of 21st century globalism, the concept of America has become highly complex and diverse. My research interests now focus on “American narratives” beyond media boundaries to include literature, film, music, and animation.
Furthermore, I am currently considering what I refer to as “applied literary studies.” The basic literary studies discipline should include “close reading.” This includes critical and theoretical analyses through which texts can be closely examined to reveal various cultural and social issues. Literary narratives can especially be examined in order to sympathize with the lives of fictional characters. This can provide a basis to understand the diversity of experiences that occur throughout the world. Literary texts involve the reexamination of common sense and fixed ideas, thus suggesting alternative viewpoints and ways of living. In many ways, the literary imagination can be applied to our own lives. This should be part of the effectiveness of literary studies.
The works of Mark Twain (1835-1910) became my primary research subject. Twain was a famous author not only through children’s literature, but also an American cultural icon through stories such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885). Twain also wrote The Prince and the Pauper (1882), which is a story showing the dichotomy of rich and poor through the story of two boys in 16th century England. Through the viewpoint of these children, social issues and unreasonable contradictions are revealed. Later, Twain’s motifs began to incorporate American slavery during the 1840s. His work The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson (1894) suggests that suspicion should be cast on the concept of prejudice regarding ethnic identity at that time. This challenge is still relevant in the 21st century.
Through literary imagination, we can reconsider our own ideals about common sense. Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889) is a pioneering work of science fiction. It involves the story of an American man who suddenly finds himself in 6th century England. Switching identities and slipping beyond time and space are imaginary assumptions used to reframe our sense of values. Thus, alternative ways of thinking are enabled. By considering viewpoints from comparative cultural studies, we can reconsider our own cultural ideas rather than looking for easy answers. Literary imagination provides us with the skills to survive an era of upheaval.
The fields of American literature and culture are able to meet any interest. While in our English department, I hope you are able to find your own favorite creators and works while becoming specialists in your own research fields. It takes considerable time and effort to learn foreign literature and culture. However, finding interest in these fields is an important matter that is also enjoyable. Through the process of becoming familiar with a variety of cultural texts, you can begin to discover your own tastes while finding your favorite works, genres, and cultural traditions. My seminar class will feature the theme “Representations of Adolescence in American Culture.” I hope you will enjoy the wonderful world of American literature and culture.
Furthermore, I am currently considering what I refer to as “applied literary studies.” The basic literary studies discipline should include “close reading.” This includes critical and theoretical analyses through which texts can be closely examined to reveal various cultural and social issues. Literary narratives can especially be examined in order to sympathize with the lives of fictional characters. This can provide a basis to understand the diversity of experiences that occur throughout the world. Literary texts involve the reexamination of common sense and fixed ideas, thus suggesting alternative viewpoints and ways of living. In many ways, the literary imagination can be applied to our own lives. This should be part of the effectiveness of literary studies.
The works of Mark Twain (1835-1910) became my primary research subject. Twain was a famous author not only through children’s literature, but also an American cultural icon through stories such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885). Twain also wrote The Prince and the Pauper (1882), which is a story showing the dichotomy of rich and poor through the story of two boys in 16th century England. Through the viewpoint of these children, social issues and unreasonable contradictions are revealed. Later, Twain’s motifs began to incorporate American slavery during the 1840s. His work The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson (1894) suggests that suspicion should be cast on the concept of prejudice regarding ethnic identity at that time. This challenge is still relevant in the 21st century.
Through literary imagination, we can reconsider our own ideals about common sense. Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889) is a pioneering work of science fiction. It involves the story of an American man who suddenly finds himself in 6th century England. Switching identities and slipping beyond time and space are imaginary assumptions used to reframe our sense of values. Thus, alternative ways of thinking are enabled. By considering viewpoints from comparative cultural studies, we can reconsider our own cultural ideas rather than looking for easy answers. Literary imagination provides us with the skills to survive an era of upheaval.
The fields of American literature and culture are able to meet any interest. While in our English department, I hope you are able to find your own favorite creators and works while becoming specialists in your own research fields. It takes considerable time and effort to learn foreign literature and culture. However, finding interest in these fields is an important matter that is also enjoyable. Through the process of becoming familiar with a variety of cultural texts, you can begin to discover your own tastes while finding your favorite works, genres, and cultural traditions. My seminar class will feature the theme “Representations of Adolescence in American Culture.” I hope you will enjoy the wonderful world of American literature and culture.