教授?渡邉 真理子

渡邉 真理子
氏名?職位 | 渡邉 真理子(WATANABE MARIKO) 教授 |
文学部開講科目 | Advanced Composition 1?2 英語総合演習1?2 英米文学文化特殊講義1?2 ゼミナール1?2 |
大学院開講科目 | |
略歴 | 福岡女子大学大学院文学研究科修士課程(文学修士) |
専門分野 | アメリカ文学 |
研究キーワード | ポストモダン小説、戦争小説、冷戦期文学 |
所属学会 | 日本英文学会、日本アメリカ文学会、アメリカ学会ほか |
「幻影のアメリカ―Being There における擬似アイデンティ」――『アメリカ文学研究』第45号――2009年
「ゾンビ化するアメリカの夢―Continental Driftにおけるアメリカとハイチ」――『アメリカ文学研究』第43号――2007年
"Where Seductive Fungi Spread: Contextualizing Cold War Japan in Ishiro Honda's Matango." SES-J Online Workshop "Weirding Ecology." The 33rd Ecocriticism Studies Conference, 2020
「The Nuclear Ageにおける冷戦サバイバル」日本英文学会第91回全国大会特別シンポジアム「核の時代と文学研究」――安田女子大学――2019年
Raised and educated in Hakata, Fukuoka City, I moved to the Kanto region for the first time in April 2021 to join this department to take my post as Associate Professor. My specialty and field of study is contemporary American literature from the latter half of the 20th century, or from the Cold War to the present. I am interested in how the portrayal of traumatic and devastating memories such as wars, terrorism, natural and artificial disasters are fictionalized in literary and cultural texts in the United States. In particular, the works of Tim O'Brien surrounding Vietnam war memories left a lasting impression on me, so I am currently writing a paper inspired by his works. During my seminars, I aim to cultivate an environment where students can acquire a critical perspective on American literature by comparing it with their own matters of concern in contemporary Japan. Students are encouraged to appreciate and be aware that the written word is more than a literal word. I hope they achieve this through a close reading of various forms of text such as fiction, poetry, art and films.