
Center for
Social Well-being Studies
Senshu University

Outcomes of Consortium Members

As of December 2017



Iinuma, T., "Civicness in Question: The Case of Women's Activities in Rural Vietnam," The Monthly Bulletin of Social Science, 624:19-37.
Inada, J., "Social Safety Net (SSN) in Vietnam: Comparative Analysis of Two Villages in the North and South in Terms of Community-based Social Safety Net and the Market Economy Wave," The Monthly Bulletin of Social Science, 624:38-54. [Reviewed]
Kambara, S., "The Citizens' Perception of Community in Kawasaki City Centered around Community Association Members: Results of Questionnaire Survey Conducted through Voluntary Organizations for Disaster Management," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 1:1 05-25. [Reviewed]
Lim, H.-C., "Changing Relationship between the State and Civil Society in South Korea: The Roles of NGOs in Vitalizing Cooperatives", The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea, 54(2): 117-52.
Marumo, Y. and S. Kambara, "The Citizens' Perception of Community and Local Capabilities for Disaster Management in Kawasaki-shi: Result of Web-Based Questionnaire Analysis," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 1:69-104. [Reviewed]


Harada, H., "The Significance and Availability of Happiness Study," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 2:9-39. [Reviewed]
Harada, H., "Happiness in Japan: From the Viewpoint of Age, Sex and Relative Wealthiness," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 3:1-17. [Reviewed]
Kanai, M., "Contextual Effects of Bridging Social Capital on Subjective Well-being," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 2:41-50. [Reviewed]
Koo, H.-R., J.-Y. Yea, E.-Y. Nam, and E.-S. Kim, "Dimensions of Social Well-being and Determinants in Korea: Personal, Relational, and Societal Aspects," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 3:37-58. [Reviewed]
Marumo, Y., "Empirical Analysis of Community Bonding Social Capital: Impacts in Emergency and Normal Times in Japan," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 2:51-83. [Reviewed]
Marumo, Y., "Visualization of Cognitive Process about Income Gap in Japan: Model Constructions Using SEM and Mutual Relations among Respondents' Attributes," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 3:19-58. [Reviewed]
Oyane, J., "Community Reconstruction from Flooding in Quang Phuoc Commune, Central Vietnam," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 3:111-45. [Reviewed]
Sujatmiko, I. G., I. R.I. Pattinasarany, G. Upya, and R. W. Nihayah, "Social Well-being Research and Policy in Indonesia," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 3:75-92. [Reviewed]
Sumi, E., "Subjective Well-being and Income Inequality," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 2:85-98. [Reviewed]
Suzuki, N., "History and Forthcoming Challenges of Family Care Leave Related Systems in Japan," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 3:147-81. [Reviewed]
Wirutomo, P., "Dealing with Brawls in Jakarta's Slum Area: Pursuing Social Development through Social Engagement," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 3:93-109. [Reviewed]
Yazaki, K., "Basic Descriptive Statistics of Japan Social Well-being Survey," The Senshu Social Wall-being Review, 2:99-109. [Reviewed]
Yee, J.-Y. et al., "Survey Design and Descriptive Outcomes of Korean Survey," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 3:59-74. [Reviewed]


Ahn, D.N., "Social Well-Being in Vietnam: Designing and Preliminary Results from a Sampling Survey," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 4:117-123.
Kim, S. and J. Lim, "Patterns of Social Support Networks in Japan and Korea," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 4:3-19. [Reviewed]
Lelièvre, E. et al., "Happiness, Health, and Well-Being in a Life Course Perspective: Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis of Sequences of Subjective Indicators," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 4:53-64. [Reviewed]
Mueller, G.P., "Gender Inequality under Different National Welfare Regimes: An Empirical Evaluation with Entropy Measures from Information Theory," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 4:39-51. [Reviewed]
Porio, E., "Social Well-Being in the Philippines: Indicators and Patterns," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 4:95-116.
Seda, F.S. et al., "Policies, Social Exclusion, and Social Wellbeing in Indonesia and Malaysia," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 4:21-35. [Reviewed]
Veenhoven, R., "Happiness Research: Past and Future," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 4:65-73. [Reviewed]
Wun'gaeo, S. et al., "Social Well-Being in Thailand 2016: Survey Report," The Senshu Social Well-being Review, 4:75-93.
Yee, J.-Y. and S.-H. Park, "Theoretical Reconstruction of the Concept of Social Well-being," Health and Science 44. [Reviewed]

Presentations (Except for the consortium's conferences)


[Jul 17] Harada, H. et al., "Social Capital of Seven Countries/Areas in East Asia: From the Questionnaire Approach," 18th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama: Japan.
[Nov 29] Harada, H., "Social Well-being/Capital in Asia: From the Questionnaire Approach," 2014 ANPOR Annual Conference, Niigata: Japan.


[Aug 27] Harada, H., "Comparison of Social Well-being / Capital in East Asia," 9th ISTR Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Tokyo: Japan.
[Aug 27] Marumo, Y., "Some Causal Models of Relationships between Social Well-being and Community Resilience by Structural Equation Modeling," 9th ISTR Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Tokyo: Japan.
[Aug 27] Shimane, K. and K. Yazaki, "How the Tie with Neighborhood Weaken? From the Aspect of Participation to Marriage and Funeral Ceremony," 9th ISTR Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Tokyo: Japan.


[Jun 4] Kanai, M., "The Effect of Perceived Relative Income on Subjective Well-being Compared to Objective Income," 9th INAS Conference, Utrecht: Netherlands.
[Jul 11] Harada, H., "Happiness in Japan: From the Viewpoint of Age, Sex and Relative Wealthiness," 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna: Austria.
[Jul12] Kanai, M., "Coexisting Mechanisms from Bonding/Bridging Social Capital to Subjective Well-being," 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna: Austria.
[Jul 25] Kanai, M., "Perception of Inequality and Social Well-being," 24th World Congress of Political Science, Poznan: Poland.
[Jul 25] Sumi, E., "Subjective Well-being and Regional Characteristics," 24th World Congress of Political Science, Poznan: Poland.
[Aug 19] Kanai, M., "Who is the Reference Point in Judging One's Well-being?: Comparison between Three Types of Relative Deprivation Measure, " 6th Joint Japan-US Conference on Mathematical Sociology and Rational Choice, Seattle: USA.
[Aug 31] Kanai, M., "Dual Deprivation of Well-being by One's Origin: The Effect of Three Kinds of Relative Deprivations on Subjective Well-being," ISA RC28 Summer Meeting, Bern: Switzerland.


[Mar 24] Shimane, K., "The social bond with the dead: how the funeral transformed rapidly in Japan?," First Kyoto Workshop on Evolutionary Thanatology: An Integrative Approach to the Study of Death and Dying, Kyoto: Japan.
[Mar 31] Yee, J.-Y., "Diagnosis of Korean Society and Prospect for Social Integration," 2017 Symposium for the Development of Civil Society and Social Integration, Seoul: Korea.
[Apr 21] Kanai, M., "The Effect of Subjective Mobility on Life Satisfaction: Comparison between Japan and Korea," 2017 ISA RC55 Mid-term Conference, Taipei: Taiwan. [Reviewed]
[Apr 21] Harada, H., "Well-being/Happiness in Japan: From a Questionnaire Survey on Lifestyle and Values," 2017 ISA RC55 Mid-term Conference, Taipei: Taiwan. [Reviewed]
[May 17] Shimane, K., "The rights to be cared in the end-of-life and after-life; Transformation of aging and dying in Japan," Marx 200: Karl Marx's Thought on Distributive Justice and its Current Relevance, Hanoi: Vietnam.
[Jun 9] Kanai, M., "How and Why Perceived Unfairness Lowers Wellbeing? Based on Empirical Evidences from Asian Countries," 10th Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists, Oslo: Norway. [Reviewed]
[Jun 11] Kanai, M., "Latent Transition from Modern to Post-modern Values in Contemporary Japan: Changing Roles of Bonding and Bridging Social Capital," The Third Biennial IAJS Conference, Haifa: Israel. [Reviewed]
[Jun 23] Yamamoto, K., "Estimating Effect of Change in Policy Preference on Change in Voting Intention Over Time: Micro-foundation for Theories of Parties' Move," 7th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Milan: Italy. [Reviewed]
[Jul 20] Kanai, M., "Social Capital and Well-being in Plural Modernizations: Comparison between Japan, Korea, and Vietnam," 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Chiangmai: Thailand. [Reviewed]
[Jul 20] Kim, E.-S. et al., "A Comparative Study of Social Well-being and its Determinants in Three Asian Countries: Korea, Japan, and Vietnam," 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Chiangmai: Thailand.
[Jul 20] Kim, S. and J. Lim., "Patterns of Social Support Networks and Their Impact on Social Well-being in Korea, Japan and Vietnam," 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Chiangmai: Thailand.
[Jul 20] Osaki, H., "Trust and Life Satisfaction in Japan, Korea and Vietnam," 10th international Convention of Asia Scholars, Chiangmai: Thailand.
[Jul 20] Yazaki, K., "Dilemma between Family and Civil Society: How Trust Promotes Well-being?," 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Chiangmai: Thailand.
[Aug 7] Suzuki, N., "Subjective Happiness and Life Satisfaction among Japanese Family Caregivers," 19th ARAHE Biennial International Congress, Tokyo: Japan. [Reviewed]
[Aug 21] Yee, J.-Y., "Why Social Value became an Important Issue in Contemporary Society," 2017 Incheon Forum Plenary Session, Seoul: Korea.
[Sep 28] Kanai, M., "How Bonding and Bridging Social Capital Promote Well-being? Comparison between Japan and Korea, " 15th ISQOLS Annual Conference, Innsbruck: Austria. [Reviewed]
[Sep 28] Harada, H., "Well-being in Japan: From a Questionnaire Survey on 2015," 15th ISQOLS Annual Conference, Innsbruck: Austria. [Reviewed]
[Oct 26] Yee, J.-Y., "Why Social Wellbeing Matters: Searching for New Model among Society, Mind, and Health," 2017 Annual Meeting of Korean Sociological Association, Seoul: Korea.
[Nov 9] Yee, J.-Y., "Critical Transformation and Social Value," "Social Value: Institutionalization of Cooperation, Innovation, and Responsibility" Conference organized by Korean Sociological Association, Seoul: Korea.