
Center for
Social Well-being Studies
Senshu University

Social Well-Being Review

Journal Title Change

We would like to inform you about the title change of our journal, which has been entitled The Senshu Social Well-being Review. The new title is Social Well-Being Review, and the change will be effective as of December 2022 (Volume 9, Issue 1).

Aims and Scope

Social Well-Being Review is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Center for Social Well-being Studies, Institute for the Development of Social Intelligence, Senshu University. This annual publication serves as a platform to share research related to social well-being. The journal welcomes submissions on current issues that have significant implications for both international and domestic policies. Scholars from around the world are encouraged to submit their manuscripts for review.

Manuscript Submissions

The submission process for double-blind peer review is open at all times. To proceed, please send the two files designated in the “Submission Format” below to swbpaper@ml.senshu-u.ac.jp. The journal is published annually in December. Manuscripts that are accepted before the end of October will be included in that year's volume. The review process typically takes approximately two months. For any inquiries, please contact swbpaper@ml.senshu-u.ac.jp.

We also invite submissions that do not require peer review. These submissions will be considered for publication as “commentaries” if they are approved by the editorial board. Commentaries received by the editorial board before the end of October will be included in that year's volume. The format for submissions is identical to that for manuscripts undergoing peer review.

Submission Format

Template files which contains all the required files below are available here. The manuscripts should be submitted in English.

  1. Title Page
    • Title, subtitle, author(s)’ name and affiliation, and word count.
    • Name, postal address, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
    • Short biographies of all authors, approximately 50-100 words each. Authors with an ORCID iD are not required to provide their biographies.
    • [If any] Acknowledgments, funding, ORCID iD, and so on.
  2. Blind Manuscript
    • Authors' names and other identifying information should NOT be included in the manuscript.
    • An abstract of 150 to 200 words.
    • Three to five keywords.
    • Main text counts to 10,000 words or less including notes and references, not including tables and figures.

Manuscript Style

The style of Social Well-Being Review is in accordance with the American Sociological Association Style Guide, 7th ed..

Copyrights and Open Access

Copyrights, including reproduction and public transmission rights, of the published works belong to Senshu University. All components of the works, such as texts, tables, figures, and supplementary materials, will be accessible for open access through the Senshu University Institutional Repository. Authors are permitted to reproduce the content of their published works for academic purposes without seeking permission from Senshu University. However, it is required that any reproductions clearly indicate that the content was previously published in Social Well-Being Review.

Editorial Board

Masayuki Kanai Senshu University Japan
Deputy Editors
Jun Oyane Senshu University Japan
Keitaro Yazaki Tainan University of Technology Taiwan
Editorial Board
Hiroo Harada Senshu University Japan
Katsumi Shimane Senshu University Japan
Satoshi Kambara Senshu University Japan
Takeko Iinuma Senshu University Japan
Naomi Suzuki Senshu University Japan
Tatsuo Komorida Tokiwa University Japan
International Advisory Board
Hiroo Harada Senshu University Japan
Shujiro Yazawa Hitotsubashi / Seijo University Japan
Hyun-Chin Lim The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea South Korea
Jaeyeol Yee Seoul National University South Korea
Dang Nguyen Anh Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences Vietnam
Surichai Wun'gaeo Chulalongkorn University Thailand
Vithaya Kulsomboon Chulalongkorn University Thailand
Emma Porio Ateneo de Manila University The Philippines
Paulus Wirutomo University of Indonesia Indonesia
Iwan Gardono Sudjatmiko University of Indonesia Indonesia
Francisia SSE Seda University of Indonesia Indonesia

All Issues

Vol.10, No.1 (2023)

Aguru Ishibashi Different Effects of Intercourse on Happiness between Married and Single People: An Explanation by Merton’s Theory of Anomie
Rei Oikawa Impact of Telecommuting on Division of Housework and Childcare in Dual-Earner Households: Case Studies of Japan and Korea

Vol.9, No.1 (2022)

Keitaro Yazaki Social Motivation of Art and Trusting Strangers: Analysis of an In-Class Questionnaire at an Art College
Tatsuo Komorida and Kentaro Hori Differences in the Determinants of Subjective Well-being by Sexual Orientation: A Comparison between Heterosexual and Lesbian Women in Japan
Rei Oikawa The Impact of Historical Trajectory on the Determinants of Subjective Wellbeing: Korea as a Case Study

No.8 (2021)

Cheng-Chu Weng Art-Making as a Way of Becoming Harmonious with Others
Keitaro Yazaki The Ambivalent Effects of Family on Well-Being: Family Norms and Well-Being in Japan
Katsumi Shimane Attitudes toward Ie Succession in Contemporary Japan: An Analysis of the SoWIA Survey
Aguru Ishibashi Factors Influencing Sexual Satisfaction in Men and Women: A Study in Japan
Tatsuo Komorida Differences in Determinants of Subjective Well-Being by Sexual Orientation: A Comparison of Heterosexual and Gay Men in Japan
Tatsuo Komorida An Online Survey on the Mental Health of Lesbian and Bisexual Women in Japan
Aldar Dolgion Aldar, Manlaibaatar Zagdbazar, and Munkhtuya Altangerel Assessment of the Subjective Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Timor-Leste: Evidence from a Nationwide Household Survey
Hiroo Harada Emergency Policy and System Design in Japan: In the Context of COVID-19

No.7 (2020)

Phan Cao Nhat Anh Promoting Female Participation in the Labor Market in Vietnam and Japan
Kiyohisa Shibai Research on Different Happiness Factors in the Asia-Pacific Area: Economics, Politics, and Social Capital
Aguru Ishibashi Model Construction Using a Prospective Approach Based on the Demographic Transition Theory
Hiroo Harada Response to COVID-19 in Japan: Challenges and Recommendations

No.6 (2019)

Hiroo Harada Proposal for Social Well-being Studies in Asia: A Challenge beyond GDP
Takeko Iinuma Objective and Subjective Well-Being: Possibilities for Supplementing Measures of Women's Empowerment

No.5 (2018)

Kiyohisa Shibai Behind the Shadow of Coming War: An Experimental Test for Antiwar Sentiment
Keitaro Yazaki Sympathy or Tolerance? A Comparison of the Effects of Trusting Most People and Trusting Strangers in Asian Societies
Paulus Wirutomo, Evelyn Suleeman, Daisy Indira Yasmine, and Riena J. Surayuda The Condition of Societal Well-Being: A Comparison of Indonesia and South Korea
Hiroko Osaki Does Trust Moderate the Effect of Relative Income on Happiness?
Hiroo Harada and Eiji Sumi The Happiness and Relative Income Hypothesis in Contemporary Japan: A Study of Lifestyle and Values
Jun Kobayashi and Dolgion Aldar Inequality of Well-being in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Happiness in Eight Countries
Francisia S.S.E. Seda, Lugina Setyawati Setiono, Yoseph Hilarius Timu Pera, Rika Febriani, Muhammad R. Damm, and Kevin Nobel Kurniawan The Paradox of Relational Well-Being: A Comparative Study of South-East and East Asian Countries
Iwan Gardono Sudjatmiko, Lidya Triana Aly, Roy Ferdy Gunawan, Tiara Wahyuningtyas, and Rangga Ardan Rahim Social Well-being, Religion, and Suicide: A Comparison of Japan and Korea with Thailand and Indonesia
Ming-Chang Tsai, Yow-Suen Sen, Yi-fu Chen, Tsui-o Tai, Hsiu-Jen Yeh, and Chin-Hui Liao International Comparative Survey on Lifestyle and Values: A Report on the Taiwan Survey
Paulus Wirutomo, Iwan Gardono Sudjatmiko, Francisia S.S.E. Seda, Lugina Setyawati, Evelyn Suleeman, Daisy Indira Yasmine, Yosef Hilarius Timu Pera, and Roy Ferdy Gunawan The Social Well-Being Survey in Indonesia

No.4 (2017)

Seokho Kim and Jaeun Lim Patterns of Social Support Networks in Japan and Korea
Francisia SSSE Seda, Lugina Setyawati, Yosef Hilarius Timu Pera, Timoti Tirta, and Pebriansyah Policies, Social Exclusion, and Social Wellbeing in Indonesia and Malaysia
Special Issue on 2017 ISA RC55 Mid-term Conference
Georg P. Mueller Gender Inequality under Different National Welfare Regimes: An Empirical Evaluation with Entropy Measures from Information Theory
Eva Lelièvre, Sophie Le Coeur, Léonard Moulin, and Nicolas Robette Happiness, Health, and Well-Being in a Life Course Perspective: Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis of Sequences of Subjective Indicators
Ruut Veenhoven Happiness Research: Past and Future
Surichai Wun’gaeo, Surangrut Jumnianpol, Nithi Nuangjamnong, Pinwadee Srisupan, and Montakarn Chimmamee Social Well-Being in Thailand 2016: Survey Report
Emma Porio and Justin See Social Well-Being in the Philippines: Indicators and Patterns
Dang Nguyen Anh Social Well-Being in Vietnam: Designing and Preliminary Results from a Sampling Survey

No.3 (September 2016)

Hiroo Harada Happiness in Japan: From the Viewpoint of Age, Sex and Relative Wealthiness
Yuichi Marumo Visualization of Cognitive Process about Income Gap in Japan: Model Constructions Using SEM and Mutual Relations among Respondents' Attributes
Hearan Koo,
Jaeyeol Yee,
Eun Young Nam,
Ee Sun Kim
Dimensions of Social Well-being and Determinants in Korea: Personal, Relational, and Societal Aspects
Jaeyeol Yee,
Hyun-Chin Lim,
Eun Young Nam,
Do-Kyun Kim,
Ee Sun Kim
Survey Design and Descriptive Outcomes of Korean Survey
Iwan Gardono Sujatmiko,
Indera Ratna Irawati,
Ganda Upaya,
Risa Wardatun Nihayah
Social Well-being Research and Policy in Indonesia
Paulus Wirutomo Dealing with Brawls in Jakarta's Slum Area: Pursuing Social Development through Social Engagement
Jun Oyane Community Reconstruction from Flooding in Quang Phuoc Commune, Central Vietnam
Naomi Suzuki History and Forthcoming Challenges of Family Care Leave Related Systems in Japan

No.2 (March 2016)

Hiroo Harada The Significance and Availability of Happiness Study
Masayuki Kanai Contextual Effects of Bridging Social Capital on Subjective Well-being
Yuichi Marumo Empirical Analysis of Community Bonding Social Capital: Impacts in Emergency and Normal Times in Japan
Eiji Sumi Subjective Well-being and Income Inequality
Keitaro Yazaki Basic Descriptive Statistics of Japan Social Well-being Survey

No.1 (March 2015)

Hiroo Harada The Great East Japan Earthquake and Fiscal Measures
Yuichi Marumo,
Satoshi Kambara
The Citizens' Perception of Community and Local Capabilities for Disaster Management in Kawasaki-shi: Results of Web-Based Questionnaire Analysis
Satoshi Kambara The Citizens' Perception of Community in Kawasaki City Centered around Community Association Members: Results of Questionnaire Survey Conducted through Voluntary Organizations for Disaster Management
Satoshi Kambara Community Changes and Social Capital: Organizing Issues based on Previous Studies
Dang Thi Viet Phuong Social exchange and the participation of voluntary associations in lifecycle events
Research Note
Shunsuke Murakami The Social Capital of Vietnamese People in Germany
Shunsuke Murakami Introduction for discussion with Thai Colleagues
Shunsuke Murakami Commentary on "Social Capital in Thailand: Unraveling the Myths of Rural-Urban Divide
Wun' Gaeo Surichai,
Jumnianpol Surangrut,
Charoenratana Sayamol,
Nuangjamnong Nithi
Reply to Murakami's Commentary on "Social Capital in Thailand: Unraveling the Myths of Rural-Urban Divide"